Child abuse and neglect are a serious concern and the University must provide an environment that is safe and protects children on University premises, in activities of, or programs conducted by the University.
UCLA’s Insurance & Risk Management (IRM) Office communicates the availability of training opportunities for Mandated Reporters and others involved in programs with minors and has partnered with Praesidium to provide an onsite training workshop regarding best practices in abuse risk management. The objective of the training is to protect minors by either preventing child abuse before it occurs or by ensuring its earliest possible detection.
There are two sessions offered at the Morgan Center Press Room:
1) Tuesday May 24 9:00-11:00 a.m. General Abuse Prevention
This session covers how offenders operate, recognizing red flags, managing high risk situations, preventing false allegations, and how to respond promptly and effectively.
2) Tuesday May 24 1:00-3:00 p.m. Best Practices in Screening and Selection
This session covers how to effectively manage screening resources, best practices for the interview and reference process, and things to consider when making hiring decisions.
Please rsvp using the link below and the sessions will remain open until filled: