Congratulations (and thank you) to the Winter Circle of Excellence Award Winners:
- UCLA Transportation – Mobility Planning & Traffic Systems (David Karwaski, Marcos Fuentes, Abdallah Daboussi)
- Facilities Management, Space Inventory Services (Jill Quezada, Amit Singh)
- Facilities Management, Information Systems, Geographic Information Systems (David Yamamoto)
The work of these departments during recent power outages and fires allowed the University to:
- Anticipate staffing needs due to road closures and fire evacuations and provide a warning to affected departments and activate telecommute plans.
- Identify and notify facilities in High Risk Fire Areas to update their continuity plans.
- Update map layers and geocode UCLA Facilities in UC Ready.
The Circle of Excellence Award is a biannual award to recognize the departments that have contributed significantly to the business continuity capabilities of the University.