Public Records Act Requests/Subpoenas
What is a Public Records Request?
Obligations Under the PRA
Exceptions to PRA
Privacy Concerns and Handling Privacy Issues
Academic Freedom/Scholarly Communications
How to Handle a Subpoena to a Custodian of Records for Your Unit
What to Keep in Mind When Turning Over Records
Types of Records: Administrative, Faculty, Personnel, Students, and Medical Records
Applicable Laws: IPA, PRA, FERPA, HIPAA, CMIA
What are the Protocols and Procedures?
Producing Information in the Litigation Process
Requests for Preservation of Documents, What is it and When can it Occur?
Discovery Requests: Production of Documents and Subpoenas
Paper vs. Electronic Information
Authentication and Your Testimony
Requests for Preservation of Documents, What is it and When can it Occur?
What Is Required?
Is Consent Required to Access Information from my Email Account or Computer?
UCLA Protocols